What is the difficulty level of the PMP Exam?

The difficulty level of the PMP exam is a subjective matter. What is difficult for me, might be easy for you. I cannot assign a difficulty score to the exam on a scale of 1 to 10. However, I can tell you my personal opinion and what the “general” consensus is.
Generally, the PMP exam is considered difficult, and I agree with it. It is more difficult than any other (PMP) mock exam (free or otherwise) you would have attempted before. The questions on the real exam are phrased differently than on the mock exams. Questions are also lengthier (more wordy) than those on sample exams. The wording is very tricky, and there are a lot of ‘situational’ questions - situational, situational, situational. Even some of the formula related questions are situational. I hardly remember any question on the real exam that I had seen before the exam, even though I had attempted more than 3500 sample questions.
However, if you have Project Management experience, prepared well for the exam, and attempted plenty of sample questions from “good sources”, you should be able to crack the real exam. It’s difficult but not impossible. After all, there are more than 300K PMPs out there and not all of them are geniuses.
Survey: Rate the difficulty level of the PMP Exam
PMP Exam Tip
Start with some good free mock exams and save the commercial ones for the last. For the commercial exams, I recommend BrainBOK PMP Exam Simulator (1000 Questions). A 60% score in your first attempt on the BrainBOK exams is a good indicator of your readiness for the real exam.
Image credit: Flickr / mrtwistter
J. Sosa
Harwinder Singh
PM with 5 years experience
Harwinder Singh
Anne Wedell
Harwinder Singh
John McGilvery
Harwinder Singh